• Please visit the MEMBERSHIP page for details of how to join W&PBKA
  • UPDATE:- See how the work is progressing on the Patio/Seating area: PATIO
  • UPDATE:- Tree planted to celebrate 150 years of BBKA: Tree

Apply to join W&PBKA

How to join W&PBKA

We have moved to an online application system and away from the paper based system. The membership system uses the British Beekeepers eR2 system. This is a cloud based system for beekeeping associations to upload their members information to a secure server
Before your application can be processed some basic details are needed. They are:-

  • Salutation: Mr, Mrs Miss, Dr Etc
  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Email Address:
  • Telephone:
  • Mobile No:
  • Address Line1:
  • Address Line 2:
  • Address Line 3:
  • Address Line 4:
  • Post Code:

  • Gift Aid: Yes or No (If you are a UK tax payer then the association can claim back 25% of your subscription as we are part of a registered charity. If you are a UK Tax payer then please answer YES)
  • NBU BeeBase: Yes or No (This is about registering your bees with the National Bee unit. If you do not have bees then please answer NO)

Once you forward this information, your details will be entered on the system and you will be sent a link which will allow you to check your information. You can make any changes/corrections and when you click submit that is your application process completed. 

You will have the option to chose which membership you require:-

  • Registered member
  • Social member
  • Partner member
  • Country member
  • Junior member
  • School member

<See below for costs and benefits>

You will have insurance for 3 colonies under the Bee Disease Insurance Scheme included in your membership. You can purchase insurance for additional colonies by selecting from a drop down menu when you use the link as above.

The options are:-

  • None
  • 1 - 2 additional colonies : £1.20
  • 3 - 7 additional colonies : £4.70
  • 8 - 12 additional colonies : £7.75
  • 13 - 17 additional colonies : £9.50
  • 18 - 22 additional colonies : £11.10
  • 23 - 27 additional colonies : £13.60
  • 28 - 32 additional colonies : £16.10
  • 33 - 36 additional colonies : £18.10

You will then be sent an email with details of the association bank account to allow you to make a bank transfer. We prefer bank transfer as banks no longer give free banking to clubs and last year we had to pay over £30 in charges for paying cheques.
Also note although you have been given suggestions re: yes no answers, it is up to you to pick the yes or no option.
We have a face book page https://www.facebook.com/groups/346663388777086
Hope that helps and if you need any further information then please email: treasurer@wpbka.org.uk
Please use the below contact form to start your application Copy and paste the above bullied points into the contact form and fill in your details.

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This field is mandatory

This field is mandatory

I hereby agree that this data will be stored and processed for the purpose of establishing membership. I am aware that I can request amendments to any of my data stored.*

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* Indicates required fields
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Thank you! We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Application form

Please complete the information as fully as possible

If you have bees.

The subscription this year for full membership is £29.00.

For the fee you receive membership to Wakefield and Pontefract Beekeepers. We are a district of Yorkshire Beekeepers Association (YBKA) who are the Area Association. As a district association we arrange meetings during the winter with bee related topics, during the summer we hold apiary meetings and have members on hand to provide guidance and support.

Being affiliated to YBKA you also become a member and a monthly newsletter is sent by email. YBKA arrange educational events throughout the year which members can attend. For more information see YBKA Website

You also receive membership of the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA). With membership of BBKA you receive the monthly magazine and public liability insurance for your beekeeping activities. For more information see BBKA website.

Wakefield and Pontefract are also members of Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI) and your fee gives the basic cover for up to 3 colonies. If you have more colonies and require insurance then additional fees are payable which are on the application form. For more information see BDI Website.

Gives access to YBKA and BBKA benefits but do not receive the monthly BBKA magazine.

For persons aged Under 18 years.

Is a social membership of the Wakefield and Pontefract Beekeepers Association. If you do not have bees and wish to be a member of our association and attend our meetings etc. this may suit you. It does not provide the benefits associated with YBKA, BBKA or BDI. This membership is usually associated with members who hold full membership with another association but also wish to be a member of ours.

The BBKA also has Country & School classes of membership. If you wish to join either of these classes please contact us beforehand.

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